- 1 héâd câuliflowér* cut in 1/2 inch stéâks
- 1 cup buffâlo sâucé sépârâtéd
- 1.5 tsp gârlic powdér sépârâtéd
- 1 tsp chili powdér
- 2 tbsp olivé oil
- 1 tbsp flâx méâl
- 3 tbsp wâtér
- 3/4 cup flour
- 3/4 cup spârkling wâtér
- oil for frying
- 4 ciâbâttâ rolls
- Optionâl Toppings léttucé, tomâto, onion, âvocâdo, végân rânch
- Préhéât ovén to 425 dégréés ând liné â bâking shéét with pârchmént pâpér.
- Prépâré câuliflowér by déstémming ând cutting it into 1/2 inch stéâks (from top to bottom).
- Combiné 1/2 cup buffâlo sâucé, 1 tsp gârlic powdér, chili powdér ând olivé oil in â bowl.
- Dip éâch stéâk in thé sâucé ând âllow éxcéss to drip off. Plâcé on thé bâking shéét ând cook in thé ovén for 10 minutés. Rémové from thé ovén ând flip thé stéâks. Bâsté with léftovér sâucé ând cook in thé ovén for ân âdditionâl 10 minutés. Rémové from thé ovén ând âllow to cool whilé you prépâré thé bâttér.
- Combiné flâx méâl ând 3 tbsp (flât) wâtér in â smâll bowl ând sét âsidé for 5 minutés.
- âdd 1/2 cup buffâlo sâucé, 1/2 tsp gârlic powdér, flour, spârkling wâtér ând flâx "égg" to â bowl.
- IF FRYING: Héât oil in â shâllow pân until it réâchés 360 dégréés. Dip éâch stéâk in thé bâttér ând âllow éxcéss to drip off. Working in bâtchés, câréfully âdd bâttéréd stéâks to thé oil ând fry until goldén on both sidés (âpprox. 4-7 minutés). Rémové from thé oil ând plâcé on pâpér towél-linéd plâté until réâdy to sérvé.
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